Popularly known for creating the Assassin’s Creed franchise, and arguably one of the world’s biggest video game companies, Ubisoft has hosted its Q2 earnings...
Valour Uniswap ETP, with UNI as the underlying asset, launches on the Boerse Frankfurt Zertifikate AG stock exchange.
Valour, a Zurich-based exchange-traded products (ETP) issuer,...
Cardano is a blockchain and smart contract platform that's using peer-reviewed research to avoid the pitfalls of its predecessors.
Cardano is a blockchain platform that's...
A blockchain is a specific type of database, stored in so-called blocks connected through complex cryptographic protocols. These make it almost impossible to compromise...
Wefinex (WinsBO) – a famous name on the internet, especially on social networks like Facebook, online communities for making money. Despite working in the financial...
Blockchain technology offers a beneficial level of publicity and transparency that current centralized networks cannot, but there is private data that users do not...